The report highlights Arnergy's fantastic work, innovative approaches, and grand vision to ensure environmental, social, and governance sustainability and how we contribute to achieving several of the 17 SDGs.

Arnergy envisages a future with 100% renewable, reliable, affordable, and globally accessible energy. We remain steadfast with our intensified cleantech efforts towards driving global collaboration to provide reliable and affordable electricity to emerging economies with grid intermittencies and transition out of the fossil fuel economy.

0 GWh+
Green Energy Generated
0 MWp+
Installed Solar PV Capacity
0 MWh+
Active Storage System (BESS)
0 MT+
Displaced CO2e Equivalent
0 k+
Sequestered Carbon Equivalent (Tree Seedlings Grown)
0 million
Avoided Diesel Equivalent (Litres)

Questions? Speak to Our Experts

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