Arnergy Leadership

A perfect blend of diverse experiences and expertise leading our renewable energy drive for a sustainable future.

Femi Adeyemo - CEO Arnergy

Femi Adeyemo

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
James FABOLA - Chief Financial Officer, Arnergy

James Fabola Jr.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Oghale Ariawhorai, Senior Vice President of Customer and Partner Success at Arnergy

Oghale Ariawhorai

Senior VP — Customer & Partner Success
Godreigns Amedari, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Arnergy

Godreigns Amedari

Senior VP — Engineering

Femi Adeyemo

Questions? Speak to Our Experts

Our Renewable Energy Experts are always available to speak with you and share valuable insights and details regarding your requests, as well as guide you towards finding the right solar solutions that meet your energy needs and align with your budget.

Arnergy Solar - Speak to our energy expert

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