Arnergy Announces 0% Interest on Flexible Payments for 5kVA and Smaller Solar Systems

Lagos, Nigeria — June 10, 2024 — Arnergy is introducing the “Solar Easy” plan, which allows commercial enterprises to purchase the Arnergy 5kVA and lower capacity systems through an 18-month installment payment plan with a 0% interest rate.

Nigeria’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been struggling with high energy costs and a significant energy deficit. These groups often need more financial means to invest in affordable energy solutions. 

Recognizing these challenges, Arnergy has secured a partnership that enables us to offer these consumer groups a long-term, affordable payment plan with zero interest rates.

Through the “Solar Easy” plan, businesses can now buy lower capacity Arnergy solar systems rated 5kVA and below on an 18-month flexible payment plan without incurring interest.

This new zero-interest “Solar Easy” payment plan from Arnergy allows commercial consumers to purchase a desired solar system within the 5kVA range and spread the cost over eighteen months without paying interest.

Arnergy remains committed to increasing access to clean energy across Africa. This initiative aims to make our scalable, reliable, and high-quality Arnergy solar systems accessible to average consumers, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

To explore the Arnergy Solar Easy plan, please visit


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